Leading People First

"You're a leader, so you need to act like one." That was my mom when I was in elementary school, maybe when I was 10 or 11 years old. From that point on, all I knew was I was a leader, but I had NO IDEA WHAT IT MEANT.

Fast forward to high school and I expected people to follow me. I ran for freshman class president and got it because I was the only one who entered my name. I assumed I wouldn't have to worry about planning events or rallying my classmates...and I got nothing done. I didn't know I was actually supposed to DO something. Why didn't my classmates follow me like a herd? Wasn't I a leader?

Again, jump to college and I'm working as a supervisor at a cafe of a well-known SF sourdough bakery. I was working on my Business Administration Degree with a concentration in Management, and again, assumed that because of my position, I was a leader. Why wasn't the whole cafe following in my footsteps? Don't you all know that I'm a leader? I've been told that since I was a kid!

Wasn’t I a Leader?

It wasn't until years later when I had one manager tell me, "Chris, leadership isn't a position, it's about influence. It's about PEOPLE." Oh, so you mean I actually have to focus on people and not the work. Ah. Got it. LIGHTBULB. (Kinda, it still took awhile to figure this out).

Ever since that moment, I've been developing that thought in my mind. Leading people. What does it mean to lead people? What does it mean to be focused on people and their development? This has lead me to the #PeopleFirst Mindset.

The People First Mindset is a leadership mindset that focuses on the individual people you lead. (And to be clear, you don't need a position of authority to lead). This mindset is my philosophy that, as a leader, we put our people before profits and clients in order to achieve our goals. If we spend our time and energy to connect, develop, advocate, and engage with those we lead, they will succeed in their roles for themselves and the organization.

Leadership isn’t a position, it’s about influence. It’s about PEOPLE.

Leaders are the focal point to success. Why do you think there are so many articles, books, webinars, courses, conferences that focus solely on leadership? It's because we know it's important. What I want to answer is WHY it's important and HOW we can all become leaders. Organizations are coming around to focusing on employees, but do they know why and how? I want to transform these companies to start thinking about their employees first, not their profits and clients.

As I begin my journey in exploring this topic, exploring my own learning and thoughts, sharing other People First leaders experiences, and most importantly, advocating for people, I invite you to join me. Join this movement that I know will be critical for this new era of leadership. Let's commit and learn more about Leading People First.

Much more to come! Until then, lead with compassion.

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Note: This article was originally posted on LinkedIn on March 24, 2020.


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